Προϋποθέσεις κατάθεσης υποψηφιότητας:
Οι υποψήφιοι πρέπει να έχουν πτυχίο πανεπιστημιακής εκπαίδευσης, «master» (μεταπτυχιακό), το οποίο πρέπει να περάσει από τη διαδικασία αναγνώρισης από το Ακαδημαϊκό Συμβούλιο του Νοτιο-δυτικού Πανεπιστημίου «Νεόφιτ Ρίλσκι». Μορφές φοίτησης: διαρκής και εξατομικευμένη–διαρκής μορφή φοίτησης
– κόστος ανά εξάμηνο 1750 €, διάρκεια φοίτησης – 3 έτη, ελάχιστος χρόνος φοίτησης – 2 έτη. Πληρώνεται η αξία του πραγματικού χρόνου φοίτησης. Η εισαγωγή γίνεται με την υποβολή δικαιολογητικών και εξετάσεις.
–εξατομικευμένη μορφή προετοιμασίας
– κόστος ανά εξάμηνο 1250 €, διάρκεια φοίτησης –
3 έτη, ελάχιστος χρόνος φοίτησης – 2 έτη. Πληρώνεται η αξία του πραγματικού χρόνου φοίτησης. Η εισαγωγή γίνεται με προσχέδιο διδακτορικής διατριβής. * Παρατήρηση:
Τα δίδακτρα του εξαμήνου καταβάλλονται σε μια δόση στην αρχή κάθε εξαμήνου.
Educational Theory and Management Educational ManagementPedagogy
Theory of education and didactics
History of pedagogy and Bulgarian education
Special Pedagogy
Teaching Methods in Primary Classes
Primary School Pedagogy
Pedagogical technologies in kindergarten
Preschool education
Social Pedagogy
Pedagogy of Teaching
Methodology of Physics Education
Methodology of education in informatics and ICT
Methodology of education in mathematics
Methodology of education in mathematics and informatics
Methodology Of Teaching Music
Methodology of the Education in Technics and Technologies
Theory and methodology of physical education
Teaching Methods for Verbal Performing and Theater Arts
Theory and History of Literature
History of Bulgarian Literature
Russian literature
Literature of the peoples of Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Australia
General and Comparative Linguistics
Bulgarian language
Slavistic languages
Theory and Practice of Translation
English Language
German language
Folklore and Ethnology
History and Archeology
Ancient History and Thracology
Archaeology, incl. Numismatics and Epigraphy
Common Medieval History
History of Bulgaria
Modern and Contemporary History
Documentaries, Archival Science, Palaeography, Historiography and Source Study
History of Philosophy
Social philosophy
Contemporary philosophical theories
Sociology, Anthropology and Cultural Sciences
Theory and history of culture
Psychology of Work and Professional Diagnostics
Developmental and educational psychology
Political Sciences
Political Science
Social Work
Organization and Management of Social Work
Public Communications and Information Sciences
Public Relations
Implementation of the new information technologies in PR
Administrative Law and Administrative Process
Civil and Family Law
Employment and Social Security
International Law and International Relations
Criminal Law
Criminal Process
Administration and Management
Economics and Management (industry)
Organization and management outside the sphere of material production
Finance, currency, credit and insurance
Organization and management outside the sphere of material production (socio-cultural sphere)
Economics and Tourism Management
Physics of Condensed Matter and Wave Processes
Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Earth Sciences
Economic and social geography
Physical Geography
Ecology and Environmental Protection
Cartography and Thematic Mapping
Mathematical Analysis
Operations Research
Mathematical modeling and applications of mathematics
Computer Sciences
Computer Sciences
Mechanical Engineering
Machines and Processes in the Light Industry
Electrical engineering, electronics and automation
Computer Systems and Technologies
Computer systems and networks
Public Health
Musical and Dancing Arts
Theory and Practice of the Arts of Performance
Theater and Cinema Art
Cinematography, Cinema and Television